Siren Watcher Researcher Writer - Warframe's Big Mobile Reveal Tennocon 2021 Roundup

Warframe's Big Mobile Reveal

Tennocon 2021 Roundup

Revealing mobile compatibility, cross play and cross save. The longest lore quest ever, Nidus Prime and a new Warframe. To a crowd of half a million viewers on Twitch at Tennocon 2021. Fans have a lot to look forward to over the coming year in Warframe.

Author: Siren Watcher. Published: 2021-07-27.

Warframe's Big Mobile Reveal

Tennocon 2021 Roundup

Siren Watcher Researcher Writer - Warframe's Big Mobile Reveal Tennocon 2021 Roundup

Revealing mobile compatibility, cross play and cross save. The longest lore quest ever, Nidus Prime and a new Warframe. To a crowd of half a million viewers on Twitch at Tennocon 2021. Fans have a lot to look forward to over the coming year in Warframe.

Author: Siren Watcher. Published: 2021-07-27.

Tennocon 2021 Livestream

In 2018 Digital Extremes gave players Warframe on Nintendo Switch. Now in 2021 Warframe is set to release on Mobile. Revealing Cross Play and Cross Save along with it to a crowd of half a million viewers on Twitch at Tennocon 2021. Livestreamed on Twitch.
Smashing Twitch metrics for July with over 430,000 peak viewers. Revealing the new mobile compatibility in the feature hour. Alongside a myriad of new features to look forward to over the coming year.

Cross Save and Cross Play

The playerbase has been asking for it for years. Cross platform play and cross save across devices on Warframe. Now players will be able to play Warframe on a train or the toilet on Switch and Mobile. Then switch to their Console or PC without the need for multiple accounts. Ever since Bungie revealed cross save in 2019 for Destiny 2. Recently launching cross play a little prematurely in 2021. Digital Extremes has been eager to fill this need. For the competing looter-shooter’s playerbase.
Warframe's Big Mobile Reveal: Tennocon 2021 Roundup - Mobile Cross play and Cross save
Live on stream to fans surprise, developer Sheldon joined community manager Rebecca’s PC hosted game from his mobile phone. Later joined by Steve on Nintendo Switch and Megan on Playstation. After a time Sheldon switching his Warframe account to PC. With the cross save function working perfectly. Showing how far the development is for the upcoming features.

Whilst there has been no release date set by Digital Extremes. The Live performance highlights that it may soon be in the hands of the awaiting playerbase.

Longest Lore Quest Ever

The new upcoming quest in The New War storyline is to be the longest lore segment ever put into Warframe. This huge installment focusing on starting the War within the solar system. Following on from the Chimera Prologue, Jovian Accord, and the Deadlock Protocol. This section will bringing with it a whole new kind of gameplay for fans of the game.
With Warframe played live by Sheldon, it was revealed that the players will have the ability to play as a few lore characters. Grineer Trooper Kahl. Whom the active Twitch chat discussed as being “the new Clem“. Also Corpus Crewman Veso and the massive lore character Teshin.
Giving players the ability to play as Teshin is like being told you can play as Illidan from Warcraft. Or Khal Drogo from Game of Thrones from their respective titles. A powerful character throughout earlier lore interactions with the player.
With the gameplay itself looking intruiging with Teshin’s dual wielding Nikanas. This dual-weilding Nikana feature being discussed actively in the live Twitch chat by players. Stating that they would like the ability to use the weapons like Teshin but are currently unable to do so in game. The gameplay demo closing with the Grineer trooper Kahl sporting a fancy Corinth Prime. With many “F“s in chat to his attempted suicide.
An offering by the Sentinents in the cinematic to conclude the players introduction to the anticipated next part of the The New War.

Nidus Prime Look Reveal

One of the most favoured classes in the game is Nidus. At Tennocon 2021 his Prime version was revealed to be releasing later this year. The Warframe class build website Overframe, collectively voted for by users, lists Nidus as a top A tier class. So the Prime reveal was a hype moment for the hardcore playerbase.

Caliban: The Sentient Warframe

With the reveal of Caliban, the Sentient Warframe, players are now able to experience one of the big bad lore enemies in the game. The Sentient race majorly existing on the map’s later outer planets. Over time their lore becoming entangled heavily in the progressing storyline of the game.
Caliban gives players a first hand view into what it’s like to resist damage types like the Sentinent race. With his passive ability that he kindly shares with his fellow teammates.
Digital Extremes revealed that Caliban is releasing in 2021. Though a more precise speculated release date for the Warframe Caliban. If falling in line with the Warframe Release Order numbers. Is that he will likely be in the players hands by Halloween this year.

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